Russell Warren
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- 19th Century Industrial
- 20th Century Industrial
- Adam Revival
- American Renaissance
- Art Deco
- Art Moderne
- Beaux Arts and 19th/20th Century Revivals
- Brownstone
- Brutalist
- Bungalow
- Cape
- Classic Revival
- Classical Revival
- Classical Revival and late 19th/20th Century Revivals
- Collegiate Gothic
- Colonial
- Colonial Revival
- Colonial Revival/Federal Revival
- Colonial Revival/Georgian
- Colonial Revival/Queen Anne
- Commercial
- Commercial Style/19th and 20th Century American Movement
- Dutch Colonial
- Early 20th Century
- Early to Mid-20th Century
- Eastlake Victorian
- English Baroque
- English Regency
- Federal
- Federal Revival
- Federal/Colonial Revival
- French
- French Classicism
- Georgian
- Georgian Colonial
- Georgian Revival
- Gothic
- Gothic Revival
- Gothic/Romanesque
- Greek Revival
- Henri IV
- High Victorian Gothic
- International
- International/Brutalist
- Italian Renaissance
- Italian Renaissance and 19th/20th Century Revivals
- Italian Romanesque Revival
- Italianate
- Italianate/French Baroque
- Late 19th Century Industrial
- Late 20th Century Ranch/Colonial Revival
- Late Federal/Colonial Revival
- Late Federal/Greek Revival
- Late Gothic
- Late Victorian
- Late Victorian/Romanesque
- Lightning Splitter
- Louis XIII
- Louis XIII Revival
- Mid-20th Century
- Modern
- Modern Gothic
- Moderne
- Modernist
- Neo-Federal
- Neo-Georgian
- Neo-Traditional
- Post-Modern
- Prairie School
- Pseudo-Brutalist
- Queen Anne
- Queen Anne/Colonial Revival
- Queen Anne/Late Victorian
- Queen Anne/Neo-Tudor
- Ranch
- Regency Moderne
- Renaissance
- Renaissance and Late Victorian
- Renaissance Italian
- Renaissance/late Victorian
- Roman Classicism
- Romanesque
- Romanesque/Late Victorian
- Scottish Baronial
- Second Empire
- Second Empire/Late Victorian
- Second Empire/Napoleon III
- Shingle
- Stick Style
- Tudor Gothic
- Tudor Revival
- Venetian Gothic
- Victorian
- A.A. Gray & Company (builders)
- Albert Harkness
- Albert Kahn
- Albert Veri Associates
- Alden Hopkins
- Alfred Stone
- Alice Lyndon
- Allan McDonald (builder)
- Allen Day
- Alpheus C. Morse
- Ammi B. Young
- Andreozzi Brothers (builders)
- Andrews Jacques & Rantoul
- Andrews Jones Briscoe & Whitmore
- Angell & Swift
- Anthony Viola Construction
- Archetype Architects Inc.
- Aristride B. Cianfarani
- Arrowstreet
- Arthur Eaton Hill
- Atwater & Schubarth
- B.S.D. Martin
- Banning & Thornton
- Barker & Turoff
- Beatrix Jones Farrand
- Bernard Eddy & John Newman
- Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue
- Blackstone Boulevard Realty Corp (builder)
- Bowen & Aikess Builders
- Bradford Associates
- C.G & J.R Hall
- C.W. & George Rapp
- Carpenter & Sheldon
- Carrère & Hastings
- Castellucci & Galli (engineers)
- Charles A. Platt
- Charles F. Wilcox
- Charles Klauder
- Charles P. Hartshorn
- Clarke
- Clarke & Howe
- Clarke & Spaulding
- Clarke Howe & Homer
- Clifford M. Renshaw
- Clifton A. Hall
- Connick Assocaties
- Cornelis de Boer
- Cox Sons Buckley & Co.
- Cram Goodhue & Ferguson
- Cull & Robinson
- Cull Robinson & Green
- Curtis & Davis
- D. Thomas Russillo
- Daniel Chester French
- David Presbrey
- David Shapiro
- Davis & Brody
- Day & Klauder
- Distill Studio
- Dr. Eugene & Jane Nelson
- Durkee Brown Viveiros & Werenfels
- E. L. Angell
- E. T. Banning
- Edmund Gilchrist
- Edmund R. Willson
- Edward I. Nickerson
- Edward L. Tilton
- Edward Larrabee Barnes
- Edward Tuckman Potter
- Edwin L. Howland
- Edwin T. Banning
- Ekman & Klaeson
- Eleazor B. Homer
- Eli Harvey
- Elkus/Manfredi Architects Inc.
- Enid Yandell
- Evaristo Nanni
- Fenton Keyes Associates
- Frank Foster Tingley
- Frank J. Sawtelle
- Frank Perry Sheldon
- Frank S. Perry
- Frank W. Wood
- Franklin J. Sawtelle
- Franklin Simmons
- Franz Mayer Studio
- Frederick E. Field
- Frederick Howe
- Frederick Law Olmsted
- Freidrich St. Florian
- Friedrich St Florian
- Gage & Martinson
- George Cady
- George Leach
- Gilbane Properties
- Gould
- Gould & Angell
- Gridley Bryant
- Guido Nincheri
- Guy Lowell
- H.K. Hilton
- Harkness & Geddes
- Hartman-Cox
- Haynes/de Boer Associates
- Helmut Obata & Kassebaum
- Henri Schonhardt
- Henry Baerer
- Henry E. Sharp
- Henry H. Kitson
- Henry Vaugn
- Hoppin & Ely
- Hoppin & Field
- Hoppin & Koen
- Hoppin Read & Hoppin
- Horace W.S. Cleveland
- Howard Ben Tré
- Howard K. Hilton
- Howe & Homer
- Howe Prout & Ekman
- Howells & Stokes
- Huygens & Tapé
- I.M. Pei
- Ibram Lassaw
- Ina Golub
- Ira Rakatansky
- Irving & Casson
- Irving B. Haynes
- Irving B. Haynes & Associates
- Isidore Kent
- J.A. Holzer
- J.B. Goodwin
- Jackson Robertson & Adams
- James Barnes
- James Bucklin
- James Estes
- James Murphy
- Jenks & Ballou
- John Carl Warnecke & Associates
- John Chase
- John Hardman Studio
- John Holden Greene
- John Hutchins Cady
- John Massey Rhind
- Johnson & Haynes
- Joseph Brown
- Julius Sweinfurth
- Jung/Brannen Associates
- Kite Palmer Associates
- Knight C. Richmond
- Koetter Kim & Associatess
- Kullman Diner Company
- Launt Thompson
- Laurence S. Walsh
- Leo Freidlander
- Leo Logan (builder)
- Lloyd Kent and William Cruise
- Lombard John Pozzi
- Louis S. Murphy (builder)
- M. DiBenedetto (architect)
- Maguire and Associates
- Mancini Associates
- Marchese & Mammersma
- Marilyn Taylor
- Marion Coffin
- Martin & Hall
- Martin Hedmark
- Mary Elizabeth Sharpe
- McKim Mead & White
- Michael Viveiros
- Michele D'Agnillo
- Milman & Sturges
- MLTW/Moore Lyndon Turnbull
- Modern Building Co.
- Monika Kraemer
- Monk & Johnson
- Mowry & Steere
- Murphy Hindle & Wright
- Nichols Partnership
- Norman M. Isham
- O’Malley & Fitzsimmon
- Office of the Commissioner of Public Buildings
- Ogden Codman
- Olmstead Brothers
- Olmsted & Olmsted
- Oresto DiSaia
- Osgood & Osgood
- Owen Doremus
- Parker Thomas & Rice
- Patrick C. Keeley
- Paul Rudolph
- Pauline C. Metcalf
- Peabody & Stearns
- Percival Goodman
- Perez Mason
- Perry Shaw & Hepburn
- Perry Shaw Hepburn & Dean
- Peter J. Geisser
- Philip D. Creer
- Philip Johnson
- Pietro Belluschi
- Py-Vavra
- Queen Anne
- Rafeal Vinoly
- Ralph E. Dineen
- Ralph Walker
- Randolph Rogers
- Reynolds Francis & Rohnstock
- Richard Fishman
- Richard Upjohn
- Robert Dodge
- Robert Hill
- Robinson Green Beretta
- Russell Warren
- Rutan & Coolidge
- Samuel J.F. Thayer
- Samuel Lerner
- Shepley
- Shepley Rutan & Coolidge
- Shreve Lamb & Harmon
- Skidmore Owings & Merrill
- Stone
- Stone & Carpenter
- Stone Carpenter & Willson
- Sydney Burleigh
- Tallman & Bucklin
- The Architects Collaborative
- The Cambridge Seven
- Thomas A. Tefft
- Thomas J. Hill Pierce
- Thomas W. Bladen
- Tiroler Glassmalerei
- Tony Atkin
- Victor Gruen
- Walker & Gillette
- Walker & Gould
- Walter Dorwin Teague
- Warner Burns Toan & Lund
- Warren & Wetmore
- Warren Platner & Associates
- Wilbur Herbert Burnham
- William Chamberlain
- William Codman
- William D. Warner
- William D. Warner Architects & Planners
- William H. Whyte
- William Kite
- William Kite Architects
- William L. Kite
- William R. Walker
- William R. Walker & Son
- William Strickland
- William T. Aldrich
- William T. Nicholson
- Winslow & Wetherell
- York and Sawyer
- Zion & Breen
- Blackstone
- Charles
- Citywide
- College Hill
- Downtown
- East Side
- Elmhurst
- Elmwood
- Federal Hill
- Fox Point
- Hope
- Jewelry District
- Lippitt Hill
- Lower South Providence
- Manton
- Mount Hope
- Mount Pleasant
- Olneyville
- Randall Square
- Reservoir
- Roger WIlliams Park Zoo
- Smith Hill
- South Elmwood
- South Providence
- Upper South Providence
- Valley
- Wanskuck
- Wayland
- West End
- Armory Historic District
- Blackstone Boulevard/Cole Avenue/Grotto Avenue National Historic District
- Blackstone Park National Historic District
- Bridgham/Arch/Wilson Streets National Historic District
- Broadway Historic District
- Broadway/Armory National Historic District
- College Hill Local Historic District
- College Hill National Historic District
- Downtown Providence National Historic District
- Doyle Avenue National Historic District
- Elmwood MRA
- Elmwood National Historic District
- Freeman Plat National Historic District
- Hope Street National Historic District
- I-195 District
- Jewelry Historic District
- Moshassuck Square/American Screw Company Factories National Historic District
- Most Endangered Property 2022
- National Historic Landmark
- National Register
- National Register of Historic Places
- North Elmwood Historic District
- Oakland Avenue National Historic District
- Olney Street/Alumni Avenue National Historic District
- pa
- Pine Street National Historic District
- Power Street/Cooke Street National Historic District
- PPS Award
- PPS Historic House Marker
- PPS House Marker
- PPS Most Endangered Places 2024
- PPS Most Endangered Properties 2023
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 1994
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 1995
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 1996
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 1997
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 1998
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 1999
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2000
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2001
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2002
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2003
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2007
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2008
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2009
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2010
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2011
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2012
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2014
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2015
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2016
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2017
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2018
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2019
- PPS Ten Most Endangered List 2020
- PPS Ten Most Endangered Properties List 2021
- Providence Landmarks District/Industrial and Commercial Buildings
- Providence Landmarks District/Residential
- Rhodes Street National Historic District
- Roger Williams Park National Historic District
- Smith Hill National Historic District
- South Elmwood Historic District
- Stimson Avenue Historic District
- Stimson Avenue National Historic District
- Trinity Square National Historic District
- Wanskuck Mill Village National Historic District
- Wayland National Historic District
- Westminster Street National Historic District