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C. F. Wilcox, builder

Like its neighbor at 40 Princeton Avenue, this house is simple in form, with elaborate details that assert themselves onto the streetscape. Appropriately, the house with its classic details was built for the principal of the Classics Department at the former Providence High School.

Typical of Colonial Revival, the William Peck House is a squarish structure with symmetrically placed windows. A central entrance is set within an elaborate, turned-post porch and topped with a small balustrade and centrally set bay window. These two features signal the interior layout, which is another telltale characteristic of Colonial Revivalism: a central hall with public rooms and sleeping chambers arranged around it.

The Peck family lived in this house for many years, until it sold in 1941 to Edward Port. After a small succession of owners, the house was sold to its current owners in 2014. At some point, the structure was used as a rooming house, and numerous sinks were placed in various bedrooms. The current owners undertook an intense overhaul of the structure, modernizing all electrical, plumbing, and heating mechanisms. A new kitchen was installed and rear rooms reworked to accommodate the owners’ busy lifestyle.

— Festival of Historic Houses Guidebook, 2017

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