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A style frequently seen in Elmwood as well as on the East Side, Dutch Colonial Revival utilizes the gambrel roof as the primary design element. This house, with a double-storied gambrel, is the typical blend of Colonial Revivalism and Queen Anne seen frequently in Providence, and it incorporates the traditional elements of a wraparound Tuscan-style porch with nontraditional wide eaves, triangular oriel windows, and curved shingled walls.

Angell & Swift designed numerous buildings throughout the region. Frank Angell began his career in 1872, working as a draftsman in Providence with architects Walker & Gould. When the firm separated in 1881, Thomas Gould partnered with Frank Angell, adding Frank Swift in 1893, while William Walker went on to start a firm with his son. After Gould retired in 1885, Angell & Swift would continue practicing until 1934. Collectively, the three architects had a hand in the design of several of the houses included in this year’s tour.

Amelia Jenks and her husband Charles lived in this house for nearly a decade. Charles was a dry goods merchant, but ownership of the house was given to Amelia – to protect it should the business falter. Charles died in 1904, and, following Amelia’s death in 1909, ownership was passed to Charles’s brother Richard, a mechanical engineer. He would live at 52 Princeton until 1915.

The current owners, who have lived in the house for several years, have made minimal changes, and many of the original features survive. The kitchen has been fully modernized and expanded with a dining nook.

— Festival of Historic Houses Guidebook, 2017

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