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Twenty years after her uncle John had done so, Hopes Ives (1773-1855) built another large brick cube on the family land, this time in the more delicate Federal style then firmly established as the height of good taste. (Standing at the end of the driveway of 55 Power Street provides the best vantage point for the viewing the Brown and Ives houses simultaneously.) In 1791, Hope Brown married Thomas Poynton Ives (1769-1835), the same year he joined her uncles’ shipping business, and the firm soon became Brown & Ives. At first the house had no ell in the rear, and the projecting three-story semi-circular bay extending into the garden on the east elevation was only one-story high. These additions, along with the remodeling of the front porch, were implemented by Stone, Carpenter & Willson for the Iveses’ granddaughter Hope Brown Ives Russell in the early 1880s about the same time that the firm also remodeled the home of her first cousin William Goddard at 38 Brown Street. Mrs. Russell also engaged Frederick Law Olmsted to design the extensive brick-walled gardens to the east.

– 2003 Guide to Providence Architecture

    Catherine DeCesare says:

    Hope Brown married Thomas Poynton Ives (1769-1835), the same year he joined her uncles’ shipping business. Not uncle – her brother’s business

    Thomas Poynton Ives joined her brother’s (Nicholas Brown d. 1841) shipping business.
    Brown, Benson and Ives and later Brown and Ives (1796)

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